The selfless men and women who are servicing our communities with Chesed and kindness, especially in times of crisis and need.
They play a vital and heroic role in the minds of our little ones.
Bring these role models into your home with the Mitzvah Kinder Community Mentchees.
The Mitzvah Kinder toys portray a warm, loving family atmosphere that children can identify with and relate to.
Kids will enjoy hours of endless Jewish imagination and fun with the community mentchees while learning to help others, and show good character traits at all times!
The Mitzvah Kinder Community Mentchees set is a gift every child will cherish.
Chesky from Chaverim
Herschel from Hatzolah
Pinchus the Postman
Mendy the Fireman
Esty from Osah Chesed
Bruchy from Bikur Cholim
Shloimy from Public Safety
Tovya the Construction Worker
Feter Fishel the Farmer