Sweet as can be, Cupcakes for you and me!
Great Purim Gift: These full party treat boxes are ideal for all your friends, family, classmates, neighbors; Or even teachers to students!
Match your theme: Are your kids dressing up as those adorable bakers?!
OH Yeah! You found the right Mishloach manot to match your theme!
Ready to go: Perfectly wrapped by "Bubble Blastte"
Kosher Parve - Certified by Rabbi Bergstein
Dimentions: 6 1/4" x 3 1/2" x 6" - Neat and Sweet!
This sugar-tastic M'M includes:
1 Cupcake box
1 Cupcake doll
1 Balloon
1 Mini Hand Clapper
3 Assorted Candies/Nosh